Category Archives: The Apocalypse Corner

The Missing Zero Apocalypse Corner Welcomes You to Another Installment of Apocalypse Thursdays

Where the eternal question each and every week is:

“And what rogue blog, its hour come round at last
Slouches towards the Apocalypse Corner to be reblogged?”

This week the answer is Transhumanism — Living the Life Augmented by Lorem Ipsum at The Missing Zero Blog. Please enjoy!

The Missing Zero Apocalypse Corner Welcomes You to Another Instalment of…

Apocalypse Thursdays


Where the eternal question each and every week is: 

“And what rogue blog, its hour come round at last
Slouches towards the Apocalypse Corner to be reblogged?”

This week the answer is The Zombie Dancers by bluesage63 at Musings from a Musical Mind. Please enjoy!

The Zombie Dancers

Even zombies have gotta let their hair down sometime!

musings from a musical mind

heard some blues Saturday night

my favorite kind of groove

a hot guitar some smokin drums

the crowd began to move  

in syncopated rhythm

like grey haired zombie dancers

i don’t want to be mean

 it was a scary scene

we both sat at the bar

and tried hard not to stare

my bottom began dancing

on the padded chair

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The Missing Zero Apocalypse Corner Welcomes You to Another Instalment of…

Apocalypse Thursdays


The Revelation of St John: 4. The Four Riders of the Apocalypse (Albrecht Dürer)

Where the eternal question every week is: 

And what rogue blog, its hour come round at last
Slouches towards the Apocalypse Corner to be reblogged?

This week the answer is Jack Chaser’s The Walking Dead Story, please read his reblogged post below…

The Walking Dead Story

Now, this is a totally different take on the whole Zombie Apocalypse genre, and one that is best enjoyed with a hot, steamin’ cup of coffee within reach…Enjoy!

The Things I See Up Here



I have seen the way our world will end. I have literally stood on the edge of the Apocalypse and it shook my very soul.  

An ice storm ripped through the region over the last few days resulting in massive wide-spread power loss. Trees fell over power lines, basements flooded and the temperature plummeted.  You would think that this would be a time for people to come together in the spirit of humankind but you would be wrong.

Nope, our world will not be ended by nuclear war, environmental disaster or the rise of the undead. No, our world will end with people standing in line for coffee at Tim Horton’s.

I have never seen a more shuffling mass of zombies who would easily bite the skin off your face for no other reason than you stepped around them to use the bathroom while your kid help your…

View original post 354 more words

The Missing Zero Apocalypse Corner Welcomes You to…

Apocalypse Thursdays


The Revelation of St John: 4. The Four Riders of the Apocalypse


The Apocalypse Corner (apocalypse of self)

To help celebrate the inception of the Missing Zero Apocalypse Corner, I have selected the following poem by shrinksarentcheap to be the inaugural entry into said hallowed corner:

(NB. Inclusion is open to all. So please send any of your apocalyptic prose, poems, photos or other paraphernalia directly to the Missing Zero blog!)

apocalypse of self by shrinksarentcheap

MY kingdom is in ruins,

who tore all my flocks to shreds?

Who murdered all those weary peasants

slack inside their freezing beds?

And who set fire to all the towers?

Who has butchered all the herds?

Who has summoned every demon

on the earth to speak its words

over my sullen population,

and my aggravated throne?

Who has acted on an impulse

to abandon and disown

the favored tenants of my city,

and the newborns of my cattle?

Who has hurled out canon balls

in haste, destroying us in battle?

Who has sent their soldiers up

the ladders down into our homes?

And who is slamming down her scepter,

shrieking, mouth all striped with foam?

And…Jesus Christ, is that a mirror?

Am I centered in that frame?

Is that white film over my eyes?

And are they really so aflame?

My hands are grasping feathered books,

all lined with vast torrential curses,

and my mouth is sputtering

the words to all their vile verses.

All the angels who visited Job

were nothing next to me!

My light is brighter than their suns,

and sings more awful than their seas,

and I am ravaging myself,

and knifing my skin off in strips,

and drinking poison to the numbers

peeling from my severed lips,

and breaking stones over my feet,

ripping my fingers from my hands,

so that my body can lie still beside

my felled and gutted lands.

apocalypse of self.